Friday, January 22, 2010

The statement by Jackie Parkes is not accurate.

>Jackie Parkes MJ said...
> How come within a year of leaving most of the domus members are now married? Weird!
> Jackie MJ

The statement by Jackie Parkes is not accurate.

I count eighteen Miles Jesu domus members who left community life during the spring and summer of 2007. It is possible that two of these do not fit strictly within this time frame. It is possible that the total number is slightly higher than eighteen.

From these numbers, six people married since leaving Miles Jesu. None married within the first year of their leaving. The marriages took place from a year and a half after leaving Miles Jesu and onward. The last marriage was recent.

These statistics show that Mrs. Parkes statement is not accurate. These statistics do not suggest something unusual about some leaving members discerning the vocation of marriage and moving ahead with their lives. A moderate number of leaving members married within a reasonable period of time.

In my opinion, the statistics reflect normalcy.

Greater care should have been given to determining the accuracy of information before a generalized and non-investigated statement was made. Apparently, her information was based on a trust in her source. Noting accurate information, I do not imply anything negative about Mrs. Parkes.